Whether you’re about to start your first e-commerce store or are looking for ways to optimize your online store, in today’s blog post I have rounded up some of the best e-commerce blog posts for March 2017.

ecom roundup.png

These articles discuss everything from Facebook ads and email marketing to dozens of other marketing strategies you can start leveraging today to grow your business, some of which I’m sure you’ve not even thought about.

1. How to Make Your Own Online Videos (In 30 Minutes or Less)

Video marketing is huge. Just visit your Facebook newsfeed and you’ll notice right away how much more video content there is now than a few years ago. Shopify’s blog post, How to Make Your Own Online Videos (In 30 Minutes or Less), reveals all the ways you can create a killer online video for your brand without wasting a lot of time or breaking the bank.

2. 4 Ways to Encourage Repeat Purchases from First Time Buyers

As you already know, it’s eight times easier to get a customer to reorder from your store than it is to find a new customer.

With most businesses focusing primarily on customer acquisition, they often neglect their customer base, lowering their overall lifetime value. In SmartrMail’s blog post, 4 Ways to Encourage Repeat Purchases from First Time Buyers, you’ll learn how to leverage email automation to increase repeat orders and a special Facebook tip.

3. How to Increase Website Traffic: 6 (of 50) Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Business

Who doesn’t want to increase their website traffic!

If you’re looking to drive more targeted traffic other than from Facebook, A Better Lemonade Stand’s blog post, How to Increase Website Traffic: 6 (of 50) Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Business, reveals out of the box ways to drive more website traffic using forums such as Reddit, influencer marketing, and Quora.

It’s worth a read if you have someone who can spend a few hours each day on various mediums getting the word out about your products.

4. Get the 3-Step Pinterest Jumpstart Plan that Led to a 40% Increase in BabyList’s Revenue

Are you an e-commerce store that has dozens of items and amazing products? If so, you should really take a look at Digital Marketer’s blog post, Get the 3-Step Pinterest Jumpstart Plan that Led to a 40% Increase in BabyList’s Revenue, which reveals how you receive 100,000+ organic visitors through content creation.

5. 12 Genius Ways to Apply Emotional Marketing to Facebook Ads

Are you spending thousands of dollars per day on Facebook ads? When spending large budgets, you’ll continually need to design new creatives to not fatigue your audiences.

Kissmetrics’s blog post, 12 Genius Ways to Apply Emotional Marketing to Facebook Ads, shows 12 ways you can use emotion within Facebook ads to increase conversions with real life examples.

6. Top 5 Ways to Convince People to Buy….Without Offering Discounts

Offers and discounts are great to get prospects and customers to spend more at your store, but it’s not a scalable or a sustainable way to drive sales… unless you’re happy with low profit margins.

You could say we’re tooting our own horn, but we recommend everyone read our Top 5 Ways to Convince People to Buy….Without Offering Discounts blog post.

7. 14 of the Best Snapchats to Follow for Inspiration

This is my wildcard entry for best e-commerce blog posts in March, mainly because it’s not focused too much around e-commerce.

The reason we added HubSpot’s blog post, 14 of the Best Snapchats to Follow for Inspiration, is because I (and many other marketers) feel that Snapchat is going to become a major tool for e-commerce brands in the coming years.

Create yourself a Snapchat account and start following the 14 brands to come up with your own creative ideas on how to enter this new marketplace.

Digital Marketing

7 E-commerce Blog Posts You Must Read (March 2017)

3 min read

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Whether you’re about to start your first e-commerce store or are looking for ways to optimize your online store, in today’s blog post I have rounded up some of the best e-commerce blog posts for March 2017.

ecom roundup.png

These articles discuss everything from Facebook ads and email marketing to dozens of other marketing strategies you can start leveraging today to grow your business, some of which I’m sure you’ve not even thought about.

1. How to Make Your Own Online Videos (In 30 Minutes or Less)

Video marketing is huge. Just visit your Facebook newsfeed and you’ll notice right away how much more video content there is now than a few years ago. Shopify’s blog post, How to Make Your Own Online Videos (In 30 Minutes or Less), reveals all the ways you can create a killer online video for your brand without wasting a lot of time or breaking the bank.

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Ideal for: coming up with new content creation ideas

2. 4 Ways to Encourage Repeat Purchases from First Time Buyers

As you already know, it’s eight times easier to get a customer to reorder from your store than it is to find a new customer.

With most businesses focusing primarily on customer acquisition, they often neglect their customer base, lowering their overall lifetime value. In SmartrMail’s blog post, 4 Ways to Encourage Repeat Purchases from First Time Buyers, you’ll learn how to leverage email automation to increase repeat orders and a special Facebook tip.

  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Ideal for: improving your email marketing and Facebook audiences

3. How to Increase Website Traffic: 6 (of 50) Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Business

Who doesn’t want to increase their website traffic!

If you’re looking to drive more targeted traffic other than from Facebook, A Better Lemonade Stand’s blog post, How to Increase Website Traffic: 6 (of 50) Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Business, reveals out of the box ways to drive more website traffic using forums such as Reddit, influencer marketing, and Quora.

It’s worth a read if you have someone who can spend a few hours each day on various mediums getting the word out about your products.

  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Ideal for: finding out of the box ways to drive website traffic

4. Get the 3-Step Pinterest Jumpstart Plan that Led to a 40% Increase in BabyList’s Revenue

Are you an e-commerce store that has dozens of items and amazing products? If so, you should really take a look at Digital Marketer’s blog post, Get the 3-Step Pinterest Jumpstart Plan that Led to a 40% Increase in BabyList’s Revenue, which reveals how you receive 100,000+ organic visitors through content creation.

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Ideal for: e-commerce stores on a budget 

5. 12 Genius Ways to Apply Emotional Marketing to Facebook Ads

Are you spending thousands of dollars per day on Facebook ads? When spending large budgets, you’ll continually need to design new creatives to not fatigue your audiences.

Kissmetrics’s blog post, 12 Genius Ways to Apply Emotional Marketing to Facebook Ads, shows 12 ways you can use emotion within Facebook ads to increase conversions with real life examples.

  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Ideal for: advanced Facebook marketers

6. Top 5 Ways to Convince People to Buy….Without Offering Discounts

Offers and discounts are great to get prospects and customers to spend more at your store, but it’s not a scalable or a sustainable way to drive sales… unless you’re happy with low profit margins.

You could say we’re tooting our own horn, but we recommend everyone read our Top 5 Ways to Convince People to Buy….Without Offering Discounts blog post.

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Ideal for: increasing website revenue

7. 14 of the Best Snapchats to Follow for Inspiration

This is my wildcard entry for best e-commerce blog posts in March, mainly because it’s not focused too much around e-commerce.

The reason we added HubSpot’s blog post, 14 of the Best Snapchats to Follow for Inspiration, is because I (and many other marketers) feel that Snapchat is going to become a major tool for e-commerce brands in the coming years.

Create yourself a Snapchat account and start following the 14 brands to come up with your own creative ideas on how to enter this new marketplace.

  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Ideal for: reaching new audiences

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