Episode 3 of our internet marketing podcast is now available. In this episode, MuteSix CEO Steve Weiss and CMO Stewart Anderson take a look at what worked best on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, examine what should be maintained for the rest of the holiday season, then delve into how ecommerce companies can best leverage Facebook Lead Ads. There’s a ton of great information here that your business can use to start generating more email addresses and increasing sales right now.

You can catch the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud or our channel on YouTube. All of these options and a full transcript of the episode are also available on our episode page.

If you have any questions or want to make a content request for future episodes, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help.

Digital Marketing

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Recap and Facebook Lead Ads for Ecommerce [Podcast]

1 min read

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Episode 3 of our internet marketing podcast is now available. In this episode, MuteSix CEO Steve Weiss and CMO Stewart Anderson take a look at what worked best on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, examine what should be maintained for the rest of the holiday season, then delve into how ecommerce companies can best leverage Facebook Lead Ads. There’s a ton of great information here that your business can use to start generating more email addresses and increasing sales right now.

You can catch the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud or our channel on YouTube. All of these options and a full transcript of the episode are also available on our episode page.

If you have any questions or want to make a content request for future episodes, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help.

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