Meta Performance Creative


MuteSix worked with the protective foot spray company to help increase sales.

The Goal

PreHeels wanted to reach its core audience and encourage them to visit its website to purchase the spray.

The Strategy

The PreHeels team partnered with MuteSix to promote its brand and encourage people to buy its product online. The company developed a mobile-optimized video ad following Facebook’s best practice guidelines:

PreHeels’ video opens with a young woman ready for a night on the town. Her enthusiasm is infectious and entices people to stop and watch the entire video.

The captioned video is strongly branded, showcasing both the PreHeels bottle and box, and demonstrates how the product works.

We experimented with different video types before finding that this type of raw footage ad was much more engaging than something more staged.

Ad copy promised total foot protection and offered a 30% off discount code. A “Shop Now” call-to-action button directed people to the PreHeels website. To ensure the video reached PreHeels’ best customer (namely, women aged 18–34), we created Custom Audiences of its past purchasers. We also segmented this list based on the platform through which people purchased the product, either via Kickstarter or on the PreHeels website. Then, we created lookalike audiences based on the past purchasers.

3x ROAS 30x Sales increase 81% Cost per purchase decrease

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