How To Advertise Your Brand in 14 Ways (2023)

To become a successful brand (and stay one), it’s essential to keep up with new technology and trends in your industry. With this in mind, these are the 14 marketing tips to help advertise your brand in 2023.

1. User-Generated Content (UGC) on Social Media

User-generated content (UGC) is content created by brand ambassadors and customers for social media platforms. This style of digital marketing is unique because it is content created by customers for customers.

How To Implement UGC in Your Brand

An excellent way to implement UGC is to search for your product or service on social media platforms. There may find plenty of usable testimonials, and all you’ll have to do is ask if you can feature them on your brand page and brand profiles.

You can also ask for UGC directly. There are freelance networks like Upwork with hundreds of new customers looking to create content for your social network. 

Additionally, MuteSix can help with our content creation packages, where our creative team can design content with your brand awareness and goals in mind.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains an effective way to boost brand awareness and drive conversions to large or small brands.

How To Implement Email Marketing in Your Brand

First, you should target your current customers. You can use email marketing to send them updates on products/services or new tools. When you email them, create personalized outreach that targets shoppers on an individual leve.

Second, make an email list of potential customers to send informational emails about your product/service, special deals, and testimonials. As with targeting current customers, this small brand marketing strategy is a personalized approach.

Additionally, you can adjust your efforts with A/B testing to determine the most successful messaging, creative, promotional offers, and other elements to include in your email marketing strategy.

MuteSix has a proven method that works across the board, so check out how we approach email marketing for you and your brand.

3. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing refers to sending text messages to your target audiences. With all the personalization and direct communication of an email, SMS offers a higher open rate and CTR

How To Implement SMS Marketing in Your Brand

MuteSix can help your brand with SMS blasts that are curated and data-driven for effective messaging. We partner with leading SMS platforms, giving us the competitive edge to optimize your marketing efforts.

4. Google Ads

Google Ads is another marketing tool that can make or break your advertising success. By putting a process in place to rank well and creating targeted ads on Google, your brand can see a rise in traffic.

How To Implement Google Ads in Your Brand

You should understand the prospective customers you target and cultivate ads just for them.

Our Google Premier Partner Status allows us to go beyond the standards of Google Ad capabilities. We have access to Google’s leading e-commerce/international expansion team, allowing us to offer special tools, webinars, marketing channels, and new products inaccessible to other brands.

5. YouTube Ads

Since Google bought out YouTube, it has become the second-most visited site (second only to the Google site). With that much organic traffic, you have billions of customers to reach at a reasonably low cost.

How To Implement YouTube Ads in Your Brand

Again, boasting that Google Partnership, MuteSix has a fundamental understanding of the complex needs to boost content through the YouTube algorithm. We can use our data-driven approach to create targeted ads that will boost traffic for your brand.

6. Paid Ads on TikTok

TikTok, one of the largest and fastest-growing social media platforms, is ideal for advertising your brand to meet our fast-changing environment.

How To Implement Paid TikTok Ads in Your Brand

Since 2019, we have been actively building our strategy for TikTok engagement. If you’d like to reach audiences of all ages, lower your cost per “mille” or thousand impressions (CPM), and build brand awareness, creating target ads on TikTok is an effective way to do it.

7. Content Creator Marketing

Content creator marketing is the process of using internet personalities and famous content creators online to create ads on their social pages. Their social pages could include their YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook page, and TikTok, to name a few. This builds brand awareness and creates loyalty.

How To Implement Content Creator Marketing in Your Brand

First, you’ll want to identify the types of content creators who appeal to your target audience. Then, you’ll want to reach out to these content creators (especially ones that are already doing social media marketing) and present your product and pitch. 

Some content creators have different rules and managers that will likely negotiate with you, so be prepared with a full pitch.

8. Livestreams and Podcasts

Advertising on podcasts carries the same benefits as content creator marketing but provide the space for longer-form, more informational ads. In contrast, live streams offer consumers the ability to engage with your product or service in real time.

How To Implement Livestreams and Podcasts in Your Brand

You’ll want engaging content that adds value to audiences. Content should be produced on a consistent schedule, allowing potential customers to tune in when they know the content will be live. Using this marketing tactic can help boost brand awareness.

9. SEO 

Search engine optimization (SEO) aims to create content across all your media channels that will rank high in Google search results for keywords relevant to your brand.

How To Implement SEO in Your Brand

By utilizing SEO experts, entrepreneurs can harness the power of the Google search engine (and Bing!) to improve targeted traffic to their sites. 

10. LinkedIn Blogging

LinkedIn blogging is a powerful tool for small brand owners and established brands looking to establish thought leadership, share industry insights, and engage with their target audiences. 

With consistent effort, LinkedIn blogging can help establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and drive brand growth through organic word of mouth.

How To Leverage LinkedIn Blogging For Your Brand

You should start by defining your target audience, identifying relevant topics, and creating content that provides value to your audience. Then, promote your posts on other social media platforms, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. 

11. Television and Radio Ads

TV and radio ads provide an opportunity to showcase your product or service creatively and engagingly while targeting specific demographics and sharing your contact information. 

How To Implement Television and Radio Ads in Your Brand

First, you should identify the channels and stations your target audience will likely listen to or watch. Then, work with a production team to create high-quality ads, and analyze metrics such as website traffic, sales, and brand recognition to track their success.  

12. Print Media and Local Advertising

Print media and local advertising can be an excellent, cost-effective way to promote your brand to a targeted audience. Local newspapers and magazines offer opportunities for brands to advertise to their community and build brand awareness. 

How To Implement Print Media and Local Advertising in Your Brand

You should start by researching the local publications and events that align with your target audience and budget. Consider partnering with local brands and in-person local events, such as trade shows, to boost visibility and promote community engagement. 

Then, Use eye-catching design and clear messaging to further drive engagement. Additionally, supporting local small brands will be a marketing tactic of its own.

13. Roll Out Limited-Time Offers and Exclusive Deals

By creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity with limited-time offers and exclusive deals, you can entice potential customers to take action and make a purchase. The benefits of this strategy can include increased sales and revenue, as well as increased customer loyalty and engagement. 

How To Implement Limited-Time Offers and Exclusive Deals in Your Brand

An excellent way to start is offering a discount or brand promotion for a limited time or creating an exclusive offer for a specific segment of your audience. You can offer through multiple channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising, to maximize visibility and reach.

14. Link-Building

Link-building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own website. The benefits of link-building include increased website traffic, improved search engine rankings, and brand exposure.

How To Implement Link-Building in Your Brand

You can start by creating high-quality content that sites will want to link to. Contact websites and offer to write guest posts or collaborate on content. Use tools to identify broken links on other websites and offer your own link as a replacement.

How MuteSix Can Help

A successful advertising strategy can boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, acquire leads, and ultimately boost sales and revenue. 

MuteSix accelerates growth for disruptor brands through real-time marketing that solves for customer, market, and brand needs. 

Leveraging data-backed, omnichannel media buying, growth marketing, and creative strategies, our forward-thinking experts scale brands to success faster and more efficiently than any agency can.

Ready to grow your brand? Reach out today for a marketing consultation to see if you qualify for a free omnichannel audit. 


An investigation and conceptual model of SMS marketing | ResearchGate 

Radio ad to grow up to $24.84bn in 2023 – report | Marketing Edge Magazine 

Google’s Incredible YouTube Purchase 15 Years Later | Investopedia 

17 SMS vs Email Statistics to Know in 2023 | Mailmodo