This week Steve, CEO of our Facebook Ad Agency, speaks with ShopMessage CEO, Arjun Ohri. The episode explains how to launch your Facebook Messenger strategy using the ShopMessenger Tools which are fully integrated with Shopify.

If you have been thinking about using Facebook Messenger ads, or maybe just started, this podcast episode is a must-listen! I hope you enjoy!

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel.

Digital Marketing

Engaging Customers on Facebook Messenger with ShopMessage CEO Arjun Ohri [Podcast]

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This week Steve, CEO of our Facebook Ad Agency, speaks with ShopMessage CEO, Arjun Ohri. The episode explains how to launch your Facebook Messenger strategy using the ShopMessenger Tools which are fully integrated with Shopify.

If you have been thinking about using Facebook Messenger ads, or maybe just started, this podcast episode is a must-listen! I hope you enjoy!

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel.

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