This week Steve, CEO of our Facebook Ad Agency, and Jordan Gal, CEO of CartHook, talk about how to increase your conversion rate from Facebook ads to Shopify sales by using CartHook.

CartHook is a one page checkout and one-click upsell app for Shopify. Enjoy!

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel.

Digital Marketing

Increasing your CRO with CartHook CEO Jordan Gal [Podcast]

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This week Steve, CEO of our Facebook Ad Agency, and Jordan Gal, CEO of CartHook, talk about how to increase your conversion rate from Facebook ads to Shopify sales by using CartHook.

CartHook is a one page checkout and one-click upsell app for Shopify. Enjoy!

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel.

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