Episode 8 of our internet marketing podcast – Facebook Mobile App Install Ads – is ready to go. In this episode, Steve and I discuss Facebook mobile app install ads and what mobile app companies need to know to launch profitable, scalable campaigns.

While websites have a whole suite of ad formats to choose from on Facebook, the options for mobile apps are, naturally, more limited. The app install ad is, understandably, the most commonly used mobile app ad type on Facebook, and while it might seem fairly straightforward to use, it’s easy to burn through money if you don’t know about potential pitfalls or how to properly plan your campaigns. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered.

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud or our channel on YouTube. These options can also be found on our episode page, along with a full transcript for the episode.


Facebook Mobile App Install Ads [Podcast]

1 min read

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Episode 8 of our internet marketing podcast – Facebook Mobile App Install Ads – is ready to go. In this episode, Steve and I discuss Facebook mobile app install ads and what mobile app companies need to know to launch profitable, scalable campaigns.

While websites have a whole suite of ad formats to choose from on Facebook, the options for mobile apps are, naturally, more limited. The app install ad is, understandably, the most commonly used mobile app ad type on Facebook, and while it might seem fairly straightforward to use, it’s easy to burn through money if you don’t know about potential pitfalls or how to properly plan your campaigns. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered.

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud or our channel on YouTube. These options can also be found on our episode page, along with a full transcript for the episode.

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