The newest episode of our internet marketing podcast is all about staying on your best behavior (at least as far as Facebook is concerned). The problem, of course, is that the Facebook Advertising Guidelines can be confusing or unclear — and they change often! Luckily, Steve and I are here to shed some insight on the latest changes and how to stay compliant.

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel. We also have a dedicated episode page where you can access all listening options.

Digital Marketing

Staying Compliant with the Facebook Advertising Guidelines [Podcast]

1 min read

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The newest episode of our internet marketing podcast is all about staying on your best behavior (at least as far as Facebook is concerned). The problem, of course, is that the Facebook Advertising Guidelines can be confusing or unclear — and they change often! Luckily, Steve and I are here to shed some insight on the latest changes and how to stay compliant.

You can listen to the episode right here:

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud, or on our YouTube channel. We also have a dedicated episode page where you can access all listening options.

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