

MuteSix worked with the ridesharing rewards app to utilize Facebook ads to increase its installs, and lower its cost per install and cost per ride.

The Goal

Freebird partnered with MuteSix to build a Facebook ad campaign that would help the company go national. Freebird’s goal was to lower the amount it was spending to get people to install its app.

The Strategy

The team zeroed right in on Facebook’s campaign budget optimization feature.

When choosing this optimization option, advertisers set the budget at the campaign level, rather than at the ad set level, which allows Facebook to automatically invest the company’s budget in the ads that perform best with designated audiences. This saves advertisers the daily guesswork of manually shifting budgets from ad set to ad set and trying to match each one to the best potential audience. Instead, Facebook figures out the right formula in real time, based on actual performance. The team also selected automatic placements, which allows Facebook to make the choice of what platform to place ads on: Facebook, Instagram or Audience Networks.

Freebird and MuteSix decided to test the efficacy of campaign budget optimization with 5 different video ads, each offering different savings for new customers. To do so, the team used split testing, which ran half the 5 ad sets with campaign budget optimization and half with manual optimization to see which method turned out more app installs.

The team showed the ads to multiple audiences, some built on geographic location—proximity to certain markets—and others based on personal interests.

10% Cost per install decrease 17% Cost per ride decrease 12% Installs increase 20% Rides taken increase

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