

MuteSix worked with the experience marketplace to help develop a tiered campaign on Facebook that would drive site registrations and encourage people to purchase online.

The Goal

If Only wanted to use Facebook ads to boost awareness of its experience-focused marketplace, and eventually drive site registrations and encourage people to embark on an adventure.

The Strategy

We developed a tiered campaign that drove site registrations and encouraged people to purchase an experience online. We focused this particular campaign in San Francisco, where most of If Only’s luminaries—the experts who offer these unique adventures—are based.
First, we created a Custom Audience from If Only’s list of current customers and then we developed a lookalike audience based on them. We used a series of carousel and link ads to drive awareness, then retargeted dynamic ads to potential customers, resulting in a 50% drop in cost per registration.

78% of sales from Facebook ads attributed to dynamic ads 68% Lifetime cost per purchase decrease 50% Cost per registration decrease

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